The Global LPG Partnership (GLPGP) is a United Nations (UN)-backed, non-profit Public-Private Partnership formed in 2012, under the UN Sustainable Energy for All initiative. Its remit is to accomplish its Mission:
The GLPGP Mission: Assist developing countries and their stakeholders to plan, finance and implement the appropriate, evidence-based, national-scale availability and use of LPG (liquefied petroleum gas—both propane and butane), produced from renewable and conventional sources, to help prevent the four million annual deaths, climate change-forcing emissions, severe deforestation and waste of women's and children’s time and labor caused by societal dependence on solid fuels for cooking.

About GLPGP, its mission, accomplishments and vision to improve up to 1 billion lives with clean, modern LPG for cooking by 2030

See how women are being empowered to become LPG distribution entrepreneurs in Cameroon to achieve Sustainable Development Goals 5 and 7, in this program about the work of The Global LPG Partnership in partnership with the Cameroon Ministry of Water Resources and Energy with support from the African Development Bank

Learn more about the national and community level work GLPGP is doing to help countries transition their populations to clean cooking with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), to reduce the harmful effects of Household Air Pollution from cooking with solid fuels like charcoal and wood